
02 4407 8887



This is a formal document that describes the funded supports that a participant receives from the NDIS. It is based on the participant’s goals and the required supports to help achieve those goals.

You are eligible for the NDIS if you are:

. under 65 years of age.

. are an Australian citizen, permanent resident or New Zealand citizen who is a Protected Special Category Visa holder.

. you have a permanent or a significant disability that requires assistance from other, assistive technology or equipment. There are also early intervention eligibility requirements for children.

. The child is under 6 years of age and has a developmental delay AND your child or you have a disability that is likely to be permanent or support would help to reduce assistance that you child or you require in the future.

There are no specific set amounts allocated and provided for NDIS participants to access. Each participant’s funding is assessed on a case-by-case basis. The NDIS uses a tailored and customised approach to provide for the participant’s reasonable needs. The participant’s goals and required supports to achieve those goals are also taken into account.
The support services cost will vary depending on the services provide.The cost is calculated in accordance to the NDIS price guide. The cost is discussed with the participant or the family members and agreed upon beforehand.

If needed, Empowering Support Services will hire staff as per client’s language requirements.

We press into service highly empowered, caring and compassionate employees to take care of the participants. The working experience of the support workers may range from 3-20 years.

You options are:


Self-management of any portion of the funding by NDIS or budget gives you the option of control over the funding for the plan. In other words, you manage the funding for your NDIS plan. Self-management implies that you request and pay the invoices related to the support that NDIS is extending to you through its plan.

Plan Manager

A registered plan management provider controls and manages the NDIS funding all throughout the support period on your behalf. You will receive support from the service providers regardless of whether they are or nor NDIS registered.

NDIS (Agency) Managed

In this option, the service providers directly claim from the NDIS as and when the support service is provided. The NDIS will only engage those service providers who are registered with them.

Yes. If you have a new plan, contact us to become registered either by phone, email or online registration. If you want to change Plan Managers, you will need to advise your existing Plan Manager and tell them that you wish to change. We can then commence a transition process in conjunction with your old provider, with minimal disruption to you and your supports.

You can visit or telephone 1800 800 110


Office timing:

Mon-Fri: 8am - 8pm

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